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Collection of information

When you visit our site, we automatically receive and store information from your computer and browser, including your IP address, software and hardware details, and the requested page. It's called cookies.


Use of information and purpose

The information we collect from you can be used to improve the user experience on our website.


Disclosure to third parties

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transmit personally identifiable information to third parties. This does not include trusted third parties who help us operate our website or our business, with the requirement that these parties agree to keep the information confidential.



Cookies are small text files that are saved in your browser when you visit certain websites and web shops. They are used, among other things, to enable features and provide statistics about your visit.


We use cookies to improve access to our site and identify repeat visitors. In addition, our cookies provide an opportunity to enhance the user experience by tracking and customizing the user's interests. Our use of cookies is in no way linked to personally identifiable information on our website.



By using our website you agree to our privacy policy.


With zero leakage in mind

CarpoNovum AB is a Swedish company

innovating, manufacturing and delivering

a new generation of surgical instruments

for colorectal surgery.

Carponovum AB
Olofsdalsvägen 10
302 41 Halmstad, Sweden


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